<April 2024>
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Umpire Information

Umpires- if you need to cancel a game, you must give 24 hours notice, except in the case of an emergency.
Important: If you do not receive confirmation of your cancellation please follow up with a phone call.

All Mustang, Diamond, Bronco, Junior, Pony and Senior league umpires must register as an umpire at Pony.org. There is a $25.00 registration fee. With your registration you will receive the patch for your uniform shirt, your registration card and a copy of the Pony rulebook. All umpires must register for both baseball and fast pitch softball.

Pinto & Bantam umpires DO NOT need to register with Pony.org. Pinto & Bantam umpires are 6th, 7th and 8th graders who DID NOT umpire last year. 6th, 7th & 8th graders who umpired for Flossmoor Baseball & Softball last year will be this year's Mustang & Diamond umpires and need to register with Pony.org.

Please review the House rule book, the Pony rule books and the MLB rule book on a regular basis.

Flossmoor Baseball and Softball House Rules

Pony Rules- Baseball

Pony Rules- Softball

MLB Rule Book


Uniform & Pony Registration Requirements

Field Umpire Positions

Umpire Hand Signals

Umpire Rotation Diagrams

Rule Interpretations & Explanations Booklet

Fair/Foul Quiz

Important Notes:

You are in charge of the game.

Arrive at your game 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. If you are not there 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time, you are late. Habitual lateness will result in fewer or no games being scheduled for you.

Games are scheduled two weeks at a time. Game schedules will be emailed to all umpires. Please accept or decline the games on your schedule within 24 hours of receiving it.

Officer of the Day- A board member has been assigned to monitor the ballpark every day of the week. This Officer of the Day is available to help you if you need assistance. The list of Officers is posted in the concession stand along with their phone number every day. If you need assistance, please ask the Officer of the Day or someone in the concession stand.

Games- Keep games on track by limiting the time between innings. Games called on darkness will not be rescheduled. Make every effort to play the minimum number of innings required for an official game. (See rule book for details.)

Weather- When there is lightning you must delay the game and move the players off of the field and out of the dugouts. There is a "15 minute lightning delay" from the time of the last lightning.

Rain- Games should not be called simply because it is raining. If the field remains playable and there is no risk of injury to the players, continue playing the game. Games called because of rain will not be rescheduled. Make every effort to play the minimum number of innings required for an official game. (See rule book for details.) It is up to you to decide whether or not to cancel a game. It is not up to the coaches.

Forfeits- Teams have 15 minutes after their scheduled start time to field a team. (See rule book for minimum number of players required to start a game.)

Good Sportsmanship- Flossmoor Baseball & Softball is an instructional league and good sportsmanship is our highest priority. Players, Parents, Fans, Managers and Coaches should exhibit good sportsmanship on the field and at the park. Players, Parents, Fans, Managers and Coaches who display unsportsmanlike behaviors should be ejected from the game immediately. Use your best judgment and do not abuse this power. All player/fan/coach ejections should be reported to Allison Radkay, the Officer of the Day, the commissioner of the league you are umpiring in, the vice president of the league you are umpiring in or the president of our league immediately after the game.

Checks will be in the concession stand approximately every 3 weeks. You will receive an email or a text message when checks are available.

Umpires are allowed one beverage (Gatorade or water) from the concession stand for during their games. On exceptionally hot days umpires will be provided with an unlimited amount of Gatorade or water during their games. If you need another beverage during your game, please ask one of the parents watching the game to get you a drink from the concession stand.

Umpires are allowed the following food choices after every game- one hot dog, one hamburger or one cheeseburger. Additional food (chips, nachos, candy, etc.) and beverages are to be purchased by the umpire. Please ask to sign the "Umpire Concessions" sheet when you order your food.